It is no coincidence that prostitutes almost always refer to their encounters as "dates" and themselves as "girlfriends". They typically don't bump into someone in the street with a straight up business proposal for sex. It's all a charade designed to make the "john" feel like it's real, the sex is desired by the other party and also provides some cover for their activities should they be hassled by police.
The whole "dating" concept wasn't offered until he realized that people were dropping him like a hot shit for soliciting prostitutes.
I believe this to be a fair analysis. In the livestream he admitted to seeing prostitutes in general and in the Facebook post that followed. he admitted to visiting sex workers IN Thailand. This was a calculated attempt at normalcy, as if it were common for frustrated husbands to embark on sex holidays in Thailand. When he finally read the room it was too late. So everything we've heard from him since has been pure gaslighting on his part. As he said in his "Aftermath" video last September, "I dated a sex worker while I was there. End of story".
In his grease encrusted mind, he deduced that it really was "dating" and should the hooker ever be contacted, they would confirm this.